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Boowa & Kwala en live sur le net ! > USN classe de CP - USN Maternelle
72 élèves américains rencontrent Boowa

Le matin du jeudi 24 avril, 72 élèves de l'école "University School of Nashville" à Nashville dans le Tennessee, ont rencontré Boowa.
Mr. Scott Merrick (professeur de nouvelles technologies chez USN) a réuni les classes de CP de Mme Ackerman et de Melle McGowan pour un tchat exceptionnel avec Jason Barnard - alias Boowa, puis la classe de grande section de maternelle de Melle Avington-Scott.

Les enfants ont pu, oralement et par écrit via Yahoo Messenger, poser leurs questions, écouter les réponses de Boowa et chanter pour lui.
La connexion s'est effectuée vers 8:00 du matin heure du Tennessee - 17 H 00 pour Boowa, de l'autre côte du monde, à l'île Maurice dans l'océan indien, à l'Est du continent africain. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les enfants ont également envoyé des dessins de Boowa et Kwala pour la réalisation d'une galerie exclusive.

Et des photos ont été prises pour immortaliser ce moment inoubliable. Les enfants se sont montrés vifs et spontanés... Et Boowa extrêmement touché par cette rencontre.

Partagez avec nous ce grand moment en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessous :

Le tchat des classes CP de Melle Ackerman et Melle McGowan

  • La classe de CP de Ms. Ackerman Une autre classe arrivera dans quelques minutes. Pour l'instant nous sommes 16. 8 filles et 8 garçons placés sur 2 rangées.
    Boowa Bonjour tout le monde ! Moi, c’est Boowa et vous ? Vous vous appelez comment ?

    LES ENFANTS, se présentent les uns après les autres.
    Boowa Qui veut me poser la première question ?
    La classe de CP Yashwina te demande comment tu as trouvé les prénoms de Boowa et Kwala ?
    Boowa C'est ma maman qui m’a donné le prénom de Boowa.
    Kwala Et Boowa m’a donné le mien... Parce que je dis tout le temps quoi làààà... Laaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

    Scott Merrick lit le message à toute la classe en imitant la voix de Kwala.

    Boowa Hé Scott, c’était une très bonne imitation !
    La classe de CP D'où est-ce que tu nous parles ?
    Boowa De l'Ile Maurice, dans l’océan indien.
    La classe de CP C'est à combien de miles de chez nous ? Daniel dit 26..
    Boowa Ah, plus que ça !
    La classe de CP Elyse says 40,000.
    Boowa Less than that.
    1st graders Lauren says 1000.
    Boowa More than that.
    1st graders Alec says 2 million.
    Boowa That would be on the moon !

    Boowa lives about 12,000 miles awa from these first graders (about 20,000 km) but the kids were laughing so much, they forgot the question.

    1st graders Michael says how did you get so good at graphics and computers.
    Boowa My mom taught me, she is called Mawa and she is VERY clever indeed.
    1st graders She must be.
    Boowa Who knows what my dad is called ?
    1st graders Dawa? Colin says.
    Boowa Right.
    1st graders What is his job ?
    Boowa He was a musician, now he has retired.
    He taught me to sing and play music on my keyboard.
    1st graders Ahhhh, keyboard .
    Ms. M wonders what kind of music he plays.
    Boowa 60's music. Nice music that you can sing along to.
    1st graders Alec wonders where you were born?
    Boowa I was born in the Land of the Funny Dance.
    Who knows where that is?
    1st graders Rayne says Scotland
    Boowa Scotland is the Land of the Big Green Monster.
    1st graders Errrm, Ireland?
    Boowa No, not there. 
    I come from England, where everyone dances the funny dance.
    That's why we call it the Land of the Funny Dance.

    Ms. McGowan’s class of 20 comes into the room and they all sit down.

    Boowa Hi. What are your names ?

    Ms. McGowan’s class takes turns telling Boowa their names and Boowa replies that he’s glad to meet them!

    Ms. Ackerman and
    Ms. McGowan 1st graders
    Perhaps we can sing Boowa and Kwala for you.
    All of us now!
    Boowa Go ahead guys.

    We think they sing here... but we have no sound.

    Boowa I can't hear you :o((

    Mr. Merrick gets the “talk” button locked, and all 36 1st graders sing “Boowa and Kwala,” with Boowa joining in and applauding at the end of the song!

    Boowa Now I can hear you ! That was great !
    1st graders Colin says did you come up with all the games by yourself?
    Boowa We did...
    ...with some help from the kids.
    1st graders Did you have to go to school to learn how?
    Boowa Yes. You learn a whole lot at school !
    1st graders What school and where?
    Boowa Askwith school, in the Land of the Funny.... DANCE.
    1st graders Do you like the island that you're on right now? asks Rosario
    Boowa Yes. It is lovely and hot and the beaches are sandy.
    1st graders We are rainy and cold today.
    Were is Kwala?
    Boowa Kwala just went down to the beach to swim  and build sandcastles.
    1st graders Ashley asks how do you do the Funny Dance?
    Boowa I am dancing it right now, but you can't see me.
    Perhaps Scott could show you?

    Mr. Merrick stands and does a silly kind of a jig, flapping his arms as he does. The kids all laugh.

    Boowa Touch your heads, then your shoulders and then your knees and then your toes. Right on Scott !

    USN kids sing “Heads, Shoulders Knees and Toes” and Boowa joins in.

    1st graders USN kids sing for you!
    Boowa Cool. Way, way cool.

    Boowa is very pleased and appluads :o-)

    1st graders Thanks for the applause!
    Boowa Thanks for the song.
    1st graders Where do you live now ? 
    Are you vacationing ? 
    Asks James.
    Boowa We live right on the beach and we live here all the time.
    We have a palm tree in the garden and a hammock.
    1st graders I think I need a research trip to visit (Mr. M.).
    Boowa You do, you do.
    By the way, did I spell "Hammock" right? Oh dear!
    1st graders Spealt perfuctly.
    Boowa Ha ha, I am not a teacher, so that's OK.
    1st graders McKenzie asks if there's a special language spoken on your island.
    Boowa Yes there is, it is called Creole and is a kind of French language.
    1st graders Can you say some of it for us?
    Boowa I can't but but a friend of mine can.
    1st graders Is he or she there now?
    Boowa He is coming over right now. He's called David.
    1st graders Yayyy!
    David Bonzour tou dimoune, Boowa li mo pli bon camarade.
    Boowa What do you think he said ?
    1st graders Could we hear it again?
    David Bonzour tou dimoune, Boowa li mo pli bon camarade.
    1st graders Hello, how are you, my name is David?
    Boowa He said "Hello everyone, Boowa is my best friend".
    Nice language, huh?
    1st graders Beautiful!
    Boowa And people use it to say such nice things
    1st graders Do you and Kwala live together, asks Matthew G?
    Boowa Yes, we do. We a big house divided in two. 
    We both live with our families right next door to each other.
    1st graders Lauren and Grisha ask if you have a girlfriend?
    Boowa Nope, but I have lots of friends and that's cool.
    1st graders How did you get blue skin? Asks Somya and Sarah?
    Boowa My fur has always been blue.
    My mom's fur is blue and my dad's is light bluey turquoise-ishbut it was blue when he was a young pup !  
    My dad is really handsome with his light bluey turquoise-ish fur so I hope I look like him in a few years' time.
    1st graders Cool!
    Could we sing you the scary wary song?
    Boowa That isn't such a great song without the music. 
    And it scares David.
    1st graders Could we sing you the banana song?
    Boowa Great. Yes, please.

    USN 1st graders sing along to “One Potato” (alias‘One Banana’)

    1st graders Hope you like our singing!
    Boowa I love it. Hooray, that's even better. How about singing "what does your dad do" without the music ?

    Boowa sings a verse : "My dad's a musician, he makes music all day long, my dad's a musician, what does your dad do?"

    Boowa How was that? Did you hear me?

    USN kids sing their own versions but Boowa can't hear because Mr. Merrick forgot to get the “talk” key locked. Again.

    Boowa That was a great song :o-) I hope you have a recording of it.

    Unhappily, this moment was lost to posterity - Mr Merrick had forgotten to start the video recorder... Better luck next time !

    1st graders Daniel wants to know if you are famous?
    Boowa Do you know who I am?
    1st graders You're Boowa, right?
    Boowa Then I am famous :o)

    Laughs all round

    1st graders Last question here;  Aline wants to know how old is your website?
    Boowa The website is 4 years old.
    1st graders Then we're older than your web site!!!
    Boowa Any more questions?
    1st graders Merci beaucoup. 
    Okay we will sign off now. Wish we were there!
    Boowa Wish you were here too !

    The 1st graders leave for their classrooms.

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  • Voir la galerie exclusive Boowa & Kwala

Le tchat de la grande section de maternelle de Melle Avington-Scott
  • Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules not order, a world where righteousness is not rewarded. That's Cesar's world, and if you're not willing to play by his rules, then you're gonna have to pay the price.

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  • Voir la galerie exclusive Boowa & Kwala

D'autres dessins de l'école "University School of Nashville" (merci à Mons. Merrick). D'autres dessins de l'école "University School of Nashville" (merci à Mons. Merrick).

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