PREMIUM is the best of UpToTen
in a completely secure environment without advertising or external link
Enriched content with:
More that 1400 bilingual fun and educational activities!
And of course always your child(ren) will be able to write to their favorite characters who will personally reply to them, but also to see their drawings and photographs
published in the galleries of the site.
UpToTen PREMIUM, a unique on-line adventure present on the web for the past 13 years.
- Hi Boowa
I love visiting you in your house on the computer and I love you. Andrien, BELGIUM
- Hello Siwa
my granny gave me some new puppets just like yours and my favourite is called
Goulette Goulette. She could be Goula Goula's best friend.Bid Kisses.
Pavlina, FRANCE
- Dear Kwala lalalalala I love the present you sent me you are my best friend,
- I love all your games. It is hard to choose a game because I like them all!
Esteban, CANADA
- It is a great pleasure to pay for and support such a great product.
Alan S, France
- I have never paid for a site before. I never thought I ever would. But I feel every penny is worth it towards your site.
Sheilley, mum of Lucy
- This a the best program I have ever seen. No disappointements with any part of the program.
June Fauscett
- We love uptoten - i feel so lucky I found it for the kids. I've told so many friends. Sometimes its not until they actually log on with theirs kids that they "get" how special uptoten actually is.
Many thanks
Karen Miller
- Our daughter received the membership as a gift for her 4th birthday from family living overseas. She has thoroughly enjoyed palying the games, is able to navigate to the site and choose her favourite games without any assistance. Our older children aged 6 and 8 have also made good use of the mebership. This was definitely a valued gift and was used much more than any other present she received for her birthday.
Mika Dyskin